Easy Watergate Salad Recipe (Only 5 Ingredients!) (2024)

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Watergate Salad is a classic dessert salad recipe that’s perfect for holidays and potlucks. The combination of pistachio pudding, pineapple, marshmallows, pecans, and creamy whipped topping is simply delightful!

There’s nothing better than a quick and easy dessert recipe.If you’re a fan of quick and easy dessert salad recipes like I am you have to try my Snickers Salad recipe as well. Similar to this recipe for Watergate Salad, the no-bake Snickers dessert salad only takes a few minutes to whip up and is perfect for parties and potlucks.

Easy Watergate Salad Recipe (Only 5 Ingredients!) (1)

Even if you’ve never had this classic pistachio dessert before, you may have heard of it. It goes by several other names, including Pistachio Delight, Green Goop, Shut the Gate Salad, Green Goddess Salad, Green Fluff, Green Stuff, and Mean Green.

If you love pistachio dessert recipes be sure to try this easy pistachio pudding icebox cake recipe too. It is my husband’s favorite!

Watergate Salad vs Ambrosia

Whatever you call the ambrosia-like dessert, I am sure you will agree that the pineapple-pistachio dessert is absolutely delish!

Ambrosia salad and watergate salad are very similar. Both vintage dessert salad recipes start with a whipped topping base and use crushed pineapple and marshmallows.

However, there are some differences between the two desserts. Ambrosia doesn’t have the pistachio pudding that watergate has. Another difference is that a watergate salad recipe usually calls for nuts, unlike ambrosia. On the other hand, ambrosia typically incorporates oranges which is not common in watergate salad recipes.


This section includes ingredient notes and substitution options. Get all measurements, ingredients, and instructions in the printable recipe card at the end of this post.

Easy Watergate Salad Recipe (Only 5 Ingredients!) (2)
  • Pistachio Pudding– either 2 of the smaller 3-ounce packages or one larger 6-ounce box
  • Crushed Pineapples– undrained, you want to use all that flavor-packed juice from the crushed pineapple can
  • Mini Marshmallows– I find that the smaller size marshmallows make the dessert easier to eat, but if you can only find full-size marshmallows you can chop them into smaller pieces.
  • Chopped Pecans– You can buy pre-chopped pecans or buy the whole ones and use a food processor to chop them up yourself.
  • Whipped Topping– Cool Whip or store-brand, thawed in the fridge.

Watergate Salad Variations

  • Swap Cool Whip for the lite version if you prefer.
  • You can trade your chopped pecans for chopped walnuts or pistachios.
  • Feel free to garnish with cherries and/or a dollop of Cool Whip.
  • Try adding raisins or mandarin oranges to your dessert salad.
  • Some people enjoy adding a cup of cottage cheese to this recipe.

How to Make Watergate Salad

This section shows you how to make the recipe with step-by-step photos and instructions. For the full printable recipe, see the recipe card below.

Step 1: Stir together the pudding mix and crushed pineapple in a large bowl.

Easy Watergate Salad Recipe (Only 5 Ingredients!) (3)

Step 2: Add the marshmallows and pecans, stirring until evenly mixed.

Easy Watergate Salad Recipe (Only 5 Ingredients!) (4)

Step 3: Fold in the whipped topping until completely blended.

Easy Watergate Salad Recipe (Only 5 Ingredients!) (5)

Refrigerate until ready to serve, then enjoy!

Easy Watergate Salad Recipe (Only 5 Ingredients!) (6)

Serve as-is or topped with a cherry and/or a dollop of whipped topping.


Store in the refrigerator either covered tightly with plastic wrap or in an airtight container for up to 2 days.

Easy Watergate Salad Recipe (Only 5 Ingredients!) (7)

Expert Tips

  • Don’t let this dessert salad sit out at room temperature longer than 1.5-2 hours as it will start to change consistency.
  • Serve in a chilled bowl or dish to help it stay chilled longer.

Recipe FAQ

Why is it called Watergate Salad?

That’s a great question that nobody really knows the true answer to. The origins of watergate salad date back to the 1970s. Some say the name came from being invented by a chef at the Watergate Hotel. Others say that the recipe became popular because of another recipe, the Watergate Cake.

Can I make Watergate Salad the night before?

Heck yes, you can! That’s one of the reasons this “salad” is so popular. It’s simple enough to make ahead and have it ready waiting in the fridge for when you need it.As an added bonus, this is one of those recipes that starts to taste even better the more time it has to chill and meld all the fantastic flavors together. Just be sure to give it a good stir before serving.

Can I freeze Watergate Salad?

Yes, you can freeze Watergate Salad. Scoop it into an airtight freezer-safe container, making sure to allow enough room for expansion as it freezes.It will keep about 2-3 months in the freezer. Move it to the fridge and let it thaw before stirring and serving.

More of my Favorite No-Bake Desserts

  • Blueberry Yum Yum
  • Strawberry Jello Pie – only 4 ingredients!
  • Chocolate Peanut Butter No-Bake Cookies
  • No-Bake Eclair Cake – tastes like a creamy and decadent cross between Boston cream pie and a chocolate eclair!
  • Reese’s Dip
  • Strawberry Fluff Salad
  • Peanut Butter Balls with Rice Krispies


Easy Watergate Salad Recipe (Only 5 Ingredients!) (8)


4.69 from 19 votes

Watergate Salad

Author: Jaclyn

Prep: 10 minutes mins

Total: 10 minutes mins

Watergate Salad is a tasty, classic dessert salad recipe that combines pistachio pudding, pineapple, marshmallows, pecans, and Cool Whip.


  • 2 3.4 ounce boxes instant pistachio pudding
  • 2 8 ounce cans crushed pineapple with juice
  • 2 cups miniature marshmallows
  • 1 cup chopped pecans
  • 1 8 ounce container frozen whipped topping, thawed


  • Stir together the pudding mix and pineapple in a large bowl. Add the marshmallows and pecans, stirring until evenly mixed.

  • Fold in the whipped topping until completely blended.

  • Refrigerate until ready to serve.


Store in the refrigerator either covered tightly with plastic wrap or in an airtight container for up to 2 days.


Serving: 1g | Calories: 144kcal

Easy Watergate Salad Recipe (Only 5 Ingredients!) (9)

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Easy Watergate Salad Recipe (Only 5 Ingredients!) (10)
Easy Watergate Salad Recipe (Only 5 Ingredients!) (2024)


Why do they call it Watergate salad? ›

It is sometimes said that Watergate salad was invented by a sous chef at the Watergate Hotel, and it was then served at brunch on most weekends. Watergate salad took off in popularity during and after the presidential scandal which shares the same name.

How to make a salad step by step with pictures? ›

Summer Vegetable Salad
  1. Step 1: Ingredients. 3-4 cups veggies. ...
  2. Step 2: Get to Choppin' + Bean Prep. Chop everything up! ...
  3. Step 3: Make the Vinaigrette. For the vinaigrette for this salad, I did this: ...
  4. Step 4: Dress the Salad and Serve!

What is cranberry salad made of? ›

Fresh produce: From the produce section, you'll need fresh cranberries, an orange, and fresh celery. Sugar: A cup of white sugar sweetens this cranberry Jell-O salad. Walnuts: Walnuts lend nutty flavor and welcome crunch. Canned pineapple: A drained can of crushed pineapple adds sweet, fruity flavor.

What does Watergate stand for? ›

The term "Watergate" has since become synonymous with various clandestine and illicit activities conducted by Nixon's aides, including the bugging of political opponents' offices, unauthorized investigations, and the misuse of government agencies for political purposes.

What is pink fluff made of? ›

The most common recipes typically include at least a can of crushed pineapples, a container of whipped topping (such as Cool Whip), and a packet of Jello (usually strawberry)—often with canned cherries or cranberries mixed in.

Who created Watergate salad? ›

It first appeared in 1975– a concoction supposedly invented in the kitchens of General Foods – now Kraft – and has since appeared at picnics, church get-togethers, and other family events.

What is the Watergate cake called? ›

Watergate cake is a pistachio cake popular in the U.S. which shares its name with the Watergate scandal of the 1970s, although the name's origin is not clear. The cake pre-dates Watergate salad, a dessert made with similar ingredients including pistachio pudding.

What is a simple salad made of? ›

Easy Green Salad with mixed greens, tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, Parmesan cheese, croutons, and a quick balsamic vinaigrette. This simple salad recipe is the perfect side dish for any meal.

What are the 5 types of salads? ›

salad, any of a wide variety of dishes that fall into the following principal categories: green salads; vegetable salads; salads of pasta, legumes, or grains; mixed salads incorporating meat, poultry, or seafood; and fruit salads.

What can I add to salad to make it better? ›

Add one or more of these protein-rich foods to your salad:
  1. lean meat: chicken or turkey breast, lean steak.
  2. lower-fat cheese: light cheddar, Swiss, mozzarella, feta, goat cheese.
  3. legumes: kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas, white or black beans.
  4. eggs: hard boiled.
  5. soy products: cubed tofu, edamame.

Can you eat raw cranberries in a salad? ›

You can add them to smoothies or salads, or eat them whole. Eating raw cranberries is safe and easy, though their sharp, bitter flavor isn't for everyone. Be sure to clean and sort them thoroughly.

Why should cranberries not be eaten raw? ›

Yes, raw cranberries are safe to consume raw, but you probably don't want to eat them that way. "Cranberries are safe to eat raw. However, usually they are cooked and have sugar added because of the bitter and sharp taste they have when raw," says Kelly West Keyser, a registered dietitian in Alabama.

Why do they put cranberries in water? ›

Wet Harvesting

Cranberries have pockets of air inside the fruit. Because of this, cranberries float in water, and thus, the bogs can be flooded to aid in removal of fruit from the vines. Water reels, nicknamed “egg-beaters” are used to stir up the water in the bogs.

What is a Faucon salad? ›

Xavier Faucon was a French restaurateur and reportedly an extraordinarily gifted cook. People were already trying to get his salad recipe when he retired in 1926. The salad ingredients were simple enough: iceberg lettuce, bacon, hard-boiled eggs, and sometimes a tomato (though that may be a contemporary innovation).

How many calories are in Watergate salad? ›

Nutrition Facts (per serving)
Jan 18, 2024

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