Profile Zhelean - Star Trek Photo Manipulation Archive (2024)

Profile Zhelean

Created By: Jay P Hailey
Full name:
Species: Andorian
Planet: Andor
Birthdate: 2343

Age: 28 years
Sex: F
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 143 lbs
Serial Number:

Build: Lithe, graceful

A slim Andorian Woman with the Grace of a cat.

Skin coloring:

Eyes :
Dark Blue

Hair (color, style, length):
White, usually worn in a pony tail


First Officer

Current Assignment:
USS Archer

Distinguishing Marks (scars, etc.):
Most of Zhelean's wounds have been cured by modern medical science and have
left no scars. On a medical scan it's possible to see that she has been
injured several times.

Appearance: (when on duty):
She is a competent and capable officer and holds her self to a high
bstandard of Proffesionalism.

Appearance: (when on personal time, clothing style, etc):
On Personal time Zhelean is usually wearing workout clothing and working
hard to maintain her combat edge

Routine Activities:
Training, weapons practice, studying the latest Starfleet Comand updates
and contenxtual data when she can.

Skills/Training/Professional Skills:
Zhelean started her Career as a Starfleet Security Officer and did well at
Zhelean is a competent Starfleet Command Officer
Zhelean is a good XO nd getting better
Zhelean is a former Starfleet Rapid Response Officer, and works hard to
maintain her fitness and edge.

Relative Fighting Ability -Fighting/Shooting/Tactics?
Zhelean is excellent at all three, rating about an 8 on the bad ass scale

Zhelean takes herself a touch too seriously. She is almost fanatic about
doing her duty to Starfleet... as she sees it.

Ambitions and Goals:
To Command a Starship

Psychological Quirks and Problems:
As a lone Andorian on a largely human ship, Zhelean would feel some
lonliness and sadness... if she let herself feel these emotions.
Zhelean is grim about her work ethic.

Physical Problems:
None Zhelean is in the peak of health

Zhelean's parents are upper class people on Andor, a leading family that
has been at the front of their Keth for generations.

Zhelean has a brother is who is a con man and grifter, roaming space more
or less at random. She despises his irresponsible attitude. He thinks the
whole family needs to get over themselves. Zhelean and Zhandro fight like
Le Matyas when together. When the Chips are down they'll cover each other's

Zhelean considers Captain Alvarez a close personal friend. She does not
find him attractive however. His skin color and smell are such that they
kill any potential arousal.

Enemies (And Why):
Generic Enemies of the Federation.

Special Abilities:
A skilled warrior and soldier, Zhelean can operate for days without sleep
and can survive in hostile places while not being seen.

Like all Andorians, Zhelean is vulnerable to excessive heat. when her core
body temp gets too high she starts becoming irritable and eventually
irrationally violent. Then she'd fall into heat shock and die.

History and Experiences Which have Affected Character Greatly:

Born 2343

As a child, Zhelean and her brother are brought up on stories of the
family's great history and their contribution to Andorian culture.

- 2361
Zhelean enters Starfleet Academy intent on carrying through her family's
tradition of service and excellence

- 2365
Zhelean graduates Starfleet Academy near the top of her class

Tour one 2365 - 2367 Security officer on USS Columbia, Galaxy Class.

2365 - Fought bravely in an engagement against Klingon Renegades. Silver

2366 - She learns that her cousin, a childhood playmate had been poisoned
and killed. Zhelean returns to Andor ansd is instrumental in capturing the

OER - Excellent promoted to Lieutenant J.G.

Tour two 2367 - 2370 Starfleet Rapid Response Team

2367 - wounded in an engagement against a Obsidian order infiltration team.
Back Injury requires reconstruction. Terran heart, silver Palm cluster

2368 - Zhelean falls in love with an Andorian man working for Starfleet
Intelligence. After falling deeply in love, Zhelean discovers that the man
is a replicant of the original Starfleet officer. He commits a violent
suicide upon discovery.

2369 - Zhelean fights against a Ferengi backed pirate. Her best friend up
until that time Mehlan a betazoid dies in her arms.

2370 - Zhelean serves a tour as an exchange officer aboard a starship, USS
Khitomer, Excelsior class, as a phaser crewman.
USS Khitomer engaged by Romulans. Zhelean stays at her post during the
fighting (When the compartment is compromised) and by keeping the Khitomer's
phasers firing, she enables the Khitomer to fend off the attack and escape.
Cited for Gallantry
Gold Palm, Izar Citation of Valor (USS Khitomer)

OER Excellent Promoted to Lieutenant

Tour three 2370 - 2371 Ops Officer USS Haise Steamrunner class
OER Excellent Promoted to Lt Commander

2370 - Zhelean and her away team are kidnapped by pirates during a routine
mapping mission. Zhelean and her crew cause havok among the Pirates but are
rescued in the end by the USS Haise and Ricardo Alvarez. Terran Heart
Silver Palm

2370 - Zhelean passes Stellar navigation proficiency becoming a Starship

2371 - Zhelean trains a crew of special security forces for the USS Haise.

Tour four 2371 - 2374 XO USS Zhuhai, New Orleans Class, Serves with Captain
Alvarez Promoted to Commander

2371 - while on leave on a cruise ship, Zhelean gets an unwelcome reputation
as a "Phaser slinger" after displaying her weapons prowess during a

2371 - Zhelean goes under cover with a Starfleet military Police Unit to
ferret out corruption.

2372 - Engagement versus a Cardassian backed mercenary force which violates
Federation territory pursuing Maquis and Klingon renegades. Despite being
outgunned, the Zhuhai walks all over the mercenaries and defeats them
utterly. Zhelean commands their ship as a prize back to Starbase.

2373 - Zhelean comes to the attention of Captain Collins, who says good
things about her to Presidential Candidate Robert Leyton. Zhelean now has a
good reputation among the good old boys.

2373 - The USS Zhuhai engages a Romulan Warbird which crosses into Bajoran
territory and makes sporadic raids. Although the Zhuhai neutralizes the
warbird, she is seriously mangled in the engagement. Terran Heart, Golden
Palm leaf cluster, Izar Citation.

tour Five 2374 XO USS Archer, Nebula Class

Profile Zhelean - Star Trek Photo Manipulation Archive (2024)
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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.