Recipes Archives * The Homesteading Hippy (2024)

Delicious step by step recipes you can make with produce from your garden. step by step instructions and photos included. Yumm!

Traditional Tattie Scones Scottish Recipe

Recipes / Jeanie Beales

Tattie Scones are not like the traditional English scones you may have enjoyed, split and slathered with butter, a dollop of strawberry jam and topped with fresh cream. The scone derives its name from a potato, called a ‘tattie’ in Scotland. A tattie scone can be served as an accompaniment to a hearty breakfast with […]

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41 Persimmon Recipes to Enjoy

Recipes / Jeanie Beales

The persimmon tree originates from Asia and is renowned as a delicious diet-friendly fruit that is high in fiber. One average-size persimmon contains around 55% of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin A, a vitamin crucial to immune function. The fruit is also high in a number of other vitamins, potassium, calcium, iron, and antioxidants

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76 Cast Iron Recipes that are Simply Delicious

Recipes / Greg Seebregts

You know, I think I have a food obsession…seriously, what is this, my umpteenth article about food? Well, if I’m a foodie then I’d best put together something interesting. The only question is: what to write? Hmm…How about a list of delicious cast iron recipes to try? Yeah! That sounds good! Apart from being affordable

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Blueberry, White Chocolate and Oat Porridge Muffins

Recipes / Jeanie Beales

What makes these different and in my opinion the best muffins is that the oatmeal is cooked before you mix it into the muffin batter. I have used a few recipes where the oats are dry when mixed in, and they are pretty average. The fact that there are loads of blueberries in the mix

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Delicious Lentils and Rice Recipe

Recipes / Jeanie Beales

This recipe can be really delicious with some added stir-fried vegetables, or as an accompaniment to meat or fish. It can also be made vegetarian if you use a vegetable broth instead of a meat based one. Lentils are included in stockpiles because they last a reasonably long time – around 3 years. Although they

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42 Recipes for Leftover Oatmeal

Recipes / Amanda Furbeck

Yes, you can reheat leftover oatmeal. It’s one of the easiest ways to use up the leftovers and a quick means of making breakfast. But if reheated, oatmeal doesn’t get your taste buds drooling, you might want to try some of these amazing recipes to use up those extra already-cooked oats. Using up leftover cooked

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Bobotie – Traditional South African Casserole Dish

Recipes / Jeanie Beales

Bobotie (pronounced Bab-oor-ti) is a casserole dish that South Africans get very excited about because of the depth of flavor in the curried ground beef combined with fruit like apples and raisins. It is one of those comfort foods that remind people of home, and has spread from Cape Town outward across South Africa, and

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Authentic Boerewors Recipe – South African Sausages

Recipes / Jeanie Beales

No matter where they settle in the world, South Africans will find a fellow countryman who can make boerewors, or they will learn to make it themselves – that’s how much they miss their traditional sausage. Boerewors, translated from Afrikaans, a language derived from the Dutch settlers, means farmer’s sausage; the word boer means farmer.

Authentic Boerewors Recipe – South African Sausages Read More »

Authentic Swedish Meatballs – Yum!

Recipes / Heather Harris

To Swedish children, meatballs are what chicken nuggets are to American kids. They are served on celebratory occasions and as warming suppers. Ikea made them even more famous by serving them at their stores. This hearty dish provides plenty of nutrition especially in the colder months. The Swedes mix ground beef and pork in a

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44 Pioneer Recipes You Absolutely Must Try

Recipes / Greg Seebregts

I have a particular interest in history, and when you add good food to the mix; it provides an insight of sorts into how things were done back in the day. Preparing and preserving food was very different in the 1800s. The food at the time had to be prepped with what you had or

44 Pioneer Recipes You Absolutely Must Try Read More »

Recipes Archives * The Homesteading Hippy (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

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Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.